Chicken pox history, the first chicken pox was discovered in the 1500s by Giovanni Filipo in Italy, and then in the 1600s an English physician named Richard Morton gave the name chicken pox to what he thought was a milder form of small pox. During the 1700s, another English physician William Heberden proved this skin disease is different from small pox.
This disease is named as chicken pox because the blisters that appeared seemed like the skin that has been pecked by the chicken. Other theory about the name is the blistered that appeared looked like the chickpeas and was similar to the size of a seed.
The studies were done in 1800s by Rudolf Steiner is prove this skin disease is contagious. The studies was done by rubbed the fluid from the blister on the skin of healthy volunteers and when the volunteers got chicken pox, the scientists knew it was contagious. In the 1900s Von Bokay suggested the connection between shingles and chicken pox...(see more)
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