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Chicken Pox And Smallpox

Chicken pox and smallpox are caused by different virus, while smallpox is a disease caused by variola virus, Chicken pox is a disease caused by the varicella zoster virus. How to distinguish smallpox and chicken pox? Smallpox and chicken pox can be done by knowing the signs, symptoms, causes and effects of each disease.

Smallpox is sometimes confused with chicken pox, but actually Smallpox is more seriously disease than chicken pox. Prior to the prevalence of vaccination, smallpox was a killer disease.

One of the ways to differentiate between whether a person has chickenpox and smallpox is by looking at the condition of the rashes. While in chicken pox rash appear between 0 to 2 days of mild illness pass before the rash develops. Smallpox 2 to 3 days of severe illness pass before the rash develops...(see more)

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